800-601-4491 sales@idealvisibility.com 1161 Mission St Suite 512, San Franciso CA 94103

Mobile Friendly

What is it ?

Mobile is critical to your business and will continue to be so — whether you’re blogging about your favorite sports team, working on the website for your community theater, or selling products to potential clients. Make sure visitors can have a good experience on your site when they’re visiting from their mobile devices!

Why Start?

The desktop version of a site might be difficult to view and use on a mobile device. The version that’s not mobile-friendly requires the user to pinch or zoom in order to read the content. Users find this a frustrating experience and are likely to abandon the site Altemativei,!, the mobile-friendly version is readable and immediately usable.

Our Solution

Ideal Visibility’s mobile team will help you create a fresh, responsive, and easy to manage mobile friendly website using the latest technology so that you take advantage of the growing smartphone traffic to increase your revenues and profits

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How Popular is Mobile Searching and Browsing ?

In the USA, 94% of people with smartphones search for local information on their phones.
Interestingly, 77% of mobile searches occur at home or at work, places where desktop computers are likely to be present.

  • Faster Download Speed
    Mobile websites are specifically designed for mobile standards and optimal download speed which means less waiting and more browsing.
  • Engagement and Context
    A mobile website allows you to immediately engage users with mobile-specific features such as click-to-call, mapping functions.
    Furthermore, if you’re a local business mobile is particularly significant as more and more visitors will find your site through location-aware technology that connects users to your website when they are in immediate geographic proximity.

Mobile Friendly is A Must

The mobile web is no longer a concept – it’s a mainstream reality that will impact any organization that aims to communicate with target audiences online. Most leading industry analysts project that within a few short years, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide. The responsibility now falls on website owners to take advantage of the unique opportunities mobile offers for connecting with the growing number of visitors who will inevitably access their website on mobile devices.

  • Portability and Connectivity
    A mobile website can be accessed anywhere, any time This level of constant connectivity provides an unprecedented opportunity to connect with target audiences in new ways, wherever they may be.
  • Competitive Advantage
    A mobile website puts you in a position to stand out among competitors – if your website doesn’t look good on a smartphone users will move on to one that does. A mobile website ensures that you – not your competitors – capture visitor attention while you have it