800-601-4491 sales@idealvisibility.com 1161 Mission St Suite 512, San Franciso CA 94103

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

What is it ?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

Why Start?

A CRM is a piece of technology used to organise, automate and synchronise all of the customer facing areas within your company: from marketing to sales to customer service to technical support Using a CRM, you will greatly improve the customer experience and will benefit from higher sales and profits.

Our Solution

Ideal Visibility will help your company buld a custom CRM platform that is simple to use, integrated into your company’s systems, and will provide your employees and customers better tracking resulting in a more efficient company experience. We also help improve your existing CRM platforms and efficiency if you choose to keep your current CRM software.See Pricing

Benefits Of Having A Custom CRM

  • It’s a place to store all of your clients’ information in one place, that’s easy to update and share with the whole team. The best systems also save any updates immediately.
  • Every member of your team will be able to see the exact point when your business last communicated with a client, and what the nature of that communication was Do they need an immediate follow-up call? Does the relationship need a little rekindling?
  • You will be able to see the complete history of your company’s interaction with a client. Perhaps this can be a guide to how to approach future customers, or give you a run-down of where things went wrong if interaction was unsuccessful.

Customer Relationship Management

Putting the customer at the heart of your business strategy is the key to success. CRM allows you to do just that It also allows you the time and freedom to concentrate on other areas of your business, safe in the knowledge that an automated system is keeping you and your team up-to-date and fully aware of

  • CRMs can give you instant metrics on various aspects of your business automatically. Some programmes can even generate reports for you If you have a complete and detailed CRM then you’ll be able to us this data to forecast and plart for the future.
  • A good CRM will also be integrated with your calendars and diaries, relating important events or tasks with the relevant client. It can also suggest suitable times to contact customer and set reminders.