Reaching the goals for your digital marketing scheme isn’t as easy as one thinks. This has made us craft out a process that could make you reach the goals.

Below are steps that will allow you to reach your marketing goals this year

1. Create a Goal

This seems common, but it will shock you that sometimes, we forget to create goals and end up chasing shadows. For your strategy to be successful, there must be goals.

A lot of brands are known to rush into digital marketing like social media marketing because of how commonly used it is.

Sometimes, they shouldn’t be blamed because, with the rampant use of new and innovative tools, it is quite simple to be so caught up on those tools that you ignore goal setting.

Before you decide to create a brand new strategy, it is important that you have to focus on both what it entails, and why you need it.

You have to ask yourself why you are making use of that specific channel, and what you are planning to benefit from it. To have this done, your thoughts will have to dwell on total business objectives. It is necessary that before you use different channels such as PPC and social media, you have to get the goals of your business set.

As you set your goal, it is important that you are very specific with them. Don’t try to opt for broad goals such as ‘increasing traffic to your website’ or ‘increasing your followers’ because it won’t be easy to track them.

What you should do is to make them specific. You can say you want your conversions to rise by 10,000 before three months run out. It could be to increase the revenue by ten thousand dollars within two months.

It is of great importance that specific numbers be set to allow you to craft out a scheme that would make it achievable.

Once you start being specific, you will notice that it is quite easy at that point to measure accurately the level of success of whatever digital marketing channel or strategy you decide to make use of.

As you go about your goal setting, you should try to always remember the SMART method. What does this mean?

The goals that you opt for should be:

Specific: Don’t go broad, give yourself as a specific number. How much do you want to earn? What number of visitors do you crave for? Numbers matter.


While choosing your goals, bear in mind that you need the necessary metrics to easily know if the campaign was successful or not, and how successful it was.


Ensure that while you set your goal, you are realistic. Don’t create goals in the crowd.


Do not just jump at every strategy because some are relevant and others are not. Ensure that the one you opt for is aligned with the kind of niche you find yourself in.


What is your time frame? Give yourself one, then ensure you track and measure using it.

2. Digital Marketing Goals: What Is the Strategy To Attain The Goal

Now that you have the goal, the next line of action is to look for the strategy that you will make use of.

To get this done, it is important to seek for a particular strategy that will ensure you can attain your goals. If the strategy won’t get you your goal, then dump it.

Sometimes, you may be clueless about what strategies and channels will make you attain your goals. One way to get this done is proper research.

Start by looking at the channels and strategies that have brought you success before.

Let’s say you already possess a great and responsive email list, it is only wise that you should try your hand on email marketing. It should make a large part of your strategy.

Try and find what your competitors are doing to succeed. If you notice that a rival company is running a lot of Instagram ads, and you are seeing results, you should consider opting for it.

While you choose your channel, try and be realistic to avoid wasting time and money. Since a lot of brands make use of social stories, you may want to make use of it. Ask yourself if there is really a probability of it bringing in a large revenue.

3. What Are Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

While laying out a strategy that will succeed, you need to know what your KPIs- key performance indicators are. These indicators help to show you if you are succeeding and drawing closer to your goals on every channel you make use of. Look at KPIs as those tiny goals that are specific to every channel. Let’s say you decide to make use of Google AdWords, Email marketing and Facebook in your digital marketing strategy, you will need to look for the KPIs in every channel. The KPIs for the individual channels vary. While using email marketing, it is important that you focus on those metrics such as open rate, list size, click through rate and so on.

For social media marketing, the KPIs are usually concessions, engagement and reach.

4. Digital Marketing Goals: The Execution

One thing that you should note is that execution is important. It is pointless creating a plan if you have no intention of executing it. The execution, here, means that you have to look at every channel and try to implement every item that falls under the strategy. If it is aligned with the KPIs, it has to be executed. To get this done, you will have to analyse every channel and the varying tactics that would be needed to allow you to get the KPIs. What are the processes that are needed to affect results?

Let’s say you have a goal of using email marketing to improve your revenue by ten thousand dollars, you have to find out the specific tools that will help you attain it.

Should you merely send an email blast every month? Should it be two blasts monthly or even four blasts? Will there be the need to refine your email list continuously to allow you to reach the right audience with good content?

5. Digital Marketing Goals: The Timeline

We are getting closer to the end. It is important that you carry out each step because they reinforce the other. To get your campaign running, it is important that you have a timeline set. How long will it take you to achieve it? Making it span to infinity won’t do you any good.

One thing that you shouldn’t forget is that no matter how great a digital marketing strategy may be, it takes some time for you to see any tangible result. Try not to rush to avoid you from making mistakes.

Try and give yourself an implementation time to increase your conversion on Facebook, and build up an audience. Try and give yourself time to try to run a test on your emails.

A new business won’t see a quick result like a big and established one. This is why you have to be realistic on the date you set.